On Demand Webinar: Venn vs VDI – Securing Unmanaged Devices Watch Now

Secure Remote Workspace by Venn

How to Provide Data Security and Compliance for Remote Contractors

Minimize Risks from Independent Contractors, Offshore Workers, Gig Economy, and Other 1099s

In this Whitepaper, you will learn about:

  • How non-traditional workers are creating a growing security risk
  • The six capabilities you must develop to secure your non-traditional workers
  • Why current tools and processes are failing, and how new secure BYO-PC tools help
Organizations must take a proactive approach to securing the data, applications, and network segments they provide their non-traditional workers, and most will need to adopt a new suite of processes and tools to do just that.

Compliance with Industry Standards

Venn ensures compliance with all current cybersecurity regulations which require development and implementation of mandatory policies, principles, standards and guidelines.

Compliance with Industry Standards

Venn ensures compliance with all current cybersecurity regulations which require development and implementation of mandatory policies, principles, standards and guidelines.

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